Case Studies

Edinburgh Airport Ltd

01 Tower At Night (2).jpg

We helped Scotland’s

biggest Airport

Congestily was originally designed for use during a major event near Edinburgh Airport in June 2018. Delays on inbound traffic especially can be costly to an airport. Being able to monitor the impact of the event on traffic approaching the airport enabled the Airport operations team to optimise the traffic flow and minimise congestion. Congestily has since become a standard part of the tool set for prioritising traffic flows dynamically during all events near Edinburgh Airport.

Congestily offers a traffic management solution at less than 10% of the cost of traditional camera-based tracking systems and it is flexible enough to change or add locations within minutes. Because of the minimal investment required, with Congestily users can continue to gather data all year round instead of making major decisions about changes to the road network based on sample data.

Get Congestily today to see through the jam!